Relaxation is a really powerful coping skill that can be implemented when the storms of life go into hyperdrive! Now, more than ever, since the Coronavirus has graced us with its presence, all parents out there are forced to relearn. You must arm yourself with new coping skills. I am here to help you upskill, so you can help your children to stay calm and create a sense of peace during these turbulent and uncertain times.
What can I do when I want my child to be calm or be settled to do work?
We are now in a time when children are being homeschooled, which will make a routine an ever-increasing challenge. However, coping skills will help during this time. Coping skills are activities that any parent can do with their child to help manage any difficult thoughts, feelings or challenging situations.
Relaxation guides what are they?
Relaxation guides are an umbrella term for one of my five coping skills. I personally believe that it is so important for everyone to know and use a set of coping skills when times get tough. Coping skills are placed into 5 categories for my own personal use: Relaxation, Movement, Distraction, Processing, and Sensory. My mother used to believe I was different, back in a time when ADHD was not known about. She used these 5 coping skills to help her child, me, to calm down, settle and to focus on the task at hand.
What relaxation activity can I use during the ‘homeschooling’ part of the day?
Grounding in five – This is a fantastic activity to do with your children. You will use your senses to help your kid to relax and create a sense of calm. You can help them. Get them to look for 5 things to see, 4 things they can feel, 3 things they hear, 2 things they smell and 1 to taste.
What relaxation activity can I use to calm their energy or get them settled to do work?
YOGA every time, as it will create a sense of ‘being’ and not ‘doing’ within your child. This will create a sense of self and calm naturally. It is not about spending lots of time on this, as your child will not have the focus. A 5-10 minute fun activity that you do together. Just try a few yoga poses and see how it feels and what it does for your child. I like the resources created by GoNoodle. They have great video content to help children to take deep breaths in order to relax and be calm.
Give it a try parents and keep an open mind. Not all coping skills, nor my ‘relaxation guides’ will work for all people. Best to try them all, even if you think your child will not benefit from a particular coping relaxation skill. Try it and see what happens – it may just work!