The benefits of foot massage

No one takes time to care for their feet on a regular basis, let along gives themselves a foot massage. Those who spend no time on their feet, for health, are really missing a trick. It is time to introduce ‘self-care’ practices as we go into a time of self-isolating and social distancing.

Maybe you have no clue as to why you would massage your feet, let alone the benefits of such. So, I am going to simply explain ‘why’ either walking barefoot or to have a foot massage, would be of great benefit to you.

Touch is so powerful. It can be so healing and such a simple act to carry out on a daily basis. With the social distancing at present, and not being able to ‘touch’ and be intimate, simply touching and massaging your own feet will help you. It will enable you to maintain good well-being and health during these trying times.

The benefits of giving yourself a foot massage are that it can help to ‘rebalance’ your physical body and to help you to maintain good mental health. It is known and proven to promote relaxation, blood circulation, and it has the ability to relieve many body aches and pains that you may be experiencing during this difficult time. Especially since you will not be able to have my help and intervention at present.

Foot massage is a real must, to help yourself right now, as it can help to relieve depression and improve the quality of your sleep. It is known to decrease the amount of stress that your body is feeling.

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