My view on climate change

There is a ‘climate crisis’ and we must all act in some shape or form, so that we can all contribute to tackling it together. We need to be our own ‘super heroes’, to save the planet we all live on. Making rapid changes worldwide to create a cascade effect, will initiate and get the ball rolling, for the greater good of future generations to come.

Governments joined forces back in 2015 to form the Paris Agreement. World nations committed to keeping the global temperature rises below 2C. However, I have read that even if world nations keep to this, worldwide coral reef will be destroyed as a result of the temperature increases. Decarbonization is one way to go to stop loading greenhouse gases into the atmosphere so quickly, as scientists are not completely sure of how much these extra gases in the atmosphere are adding to the ‘warming’ of the planet.

No one can say for sure what is to come. Surely it is better to hedge ones bets on a ‘worst case scenario’, and make our response to climate change, both individually and as humanity, a huge one!

How am I contributing and how can you?

  • Our household has collectively decided to eat less red meat, as the emissions from intense cattle farming have an impact on the amount of carbon dioxide and methane that goes directly into the Earth atmosphere.
  • We have switched our energy tariff to ‘Ecotricity’ a renewable energy tariff.
  • Upon researching more on climate change and car emissions, I have decided to either cycle or walk anything that is less than a mile long.
  • Disposed of single use plastic, opting more for glass containers.
  • Upgraded the boiler to the latest environmental double condenser and installed a new central heating system to work alongside this.
  • Replaced lighting in the house to full LED, so a fraction of the running cost and power consumption
  • With regards to holidays we can help our planet by not flying, adding to aviation emission levels. Opting for a UK holiday, where financially possible, would help to lower carbon dioxide emissions.

What are you doing differently?

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