How to change your relationship with time
Today I’m going to discuss how you can change the relationship you have with time to decrease your stress levels and improve your wellbeing.
Today I’m going to discuss how you can change the relationship you have with time to decrease your stress levels and improve your wellbeing.
Squatting is known as the ‘king’ of exercises, as it is one of the most productive. However, it is difficult to both learn and master. Do not give up at the first hurdle, help is at hand.
Sleep is so important and often the one thing that people don’t give time to. When you lack sleep everything in your daily life is affected. Here’s my tips for getting a better night’s sleep…
For me personally I have always been someone who instinctively ‘gives’, and this was apparent from such an early age. I have always been a kind of ‘Florence Nightingale’, character, helping anyone who crossed my path in life and needed some help; be it emotional, physical, mental, spiritual or financial.
January is the month for feeling ‘miserable’. Its cold, wet, light levels are diminished upon ‘kick out’ from work, and all you want to do is hibernate. Even those people around you who you view as ‘hard workers’ retreat into a hibernation.