3 things to do to relieve neck and back pain at work

Society has changed dramatically over the past decade. We are sitting and standing for longer periods of time, and have boosted the use of technology considerably. This has led to an increase in the use of our bodies, in misalignment, which in turn has increased the amount of people suffering from both neck and back pain.

The constant ‘rounding’ of our shoulders, due to many repetitive movements, on a daily basis has directly impacted on the number of people in pain with either back or neck discomfort. We cannot change the way the world works around us but, as an individual, we can choose to help ourselves by doing things differently in order to help our postural alignment.

Did you know that approximately eight out of ten people will suffer from back pain, at some point in their lives? This is awful considering that our bodies are designed to be active, to be mobile, and so in years gone by would have negated any back immobility and pain. These days, when an individual suffers from back pain and it lasts for three or more months, then it is seen as ‘chronic’ pain. The pain the individual is suffering will impair more than just the physical self. They may experience short-term memory loss and have their attention impaired. 

It is so true, from my professional experience, that people who work office-bound jobs are more likely to suffer from back pain than those people who have physically demanding jobs. The way, in which an office workers body is positioned, throughout the day, will be a major contributor to their neck and back pain. Back pain can be caused by an individual failing to be mobile throughout the working day, by choosing to slouch forward in their chair, and by holding the telephone between their ear and shoulder during endless work calls. Posture is everything; it can make and break your body, literally! 

To try and relieve your neck and back pain at work, here are three things you can try to optimise your working space:

  1. Get up and frequently move about your workspace/area
  2. Make your desk and chair ‘customised’ to meet your individual working needs 
  3. Use a headset or speakerphone

These three, yet simple practices above, can easily be implemented at work to help revolutionise your body and to help prevent the onset of any neck/back pain. If you have tried all the above and you are still ‘in pain’ that is a sign that your muscles and perhaps skeletal system are dysfunctional and need some further assistance from someone like myself. If you feel you are in this position then please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I can help to relieve you of all this. To finally be on a road of healing, to becoming a ‘pain free’ individual.

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