Could your stiff back be a sign of stress?

As an a holistic health practitioner, I can see why any given body presented to self for healing is dysfunctional, and why the muscles are out of balance. It can be due to the muscles having adhesions, the skeletal system being biomechanically out of alignment or purely due to the emotional stress and tension that the body has chosen to carry.

There is a connection between stress and pain. Stress (mental origin) can be turned into physical pain, when the body activates its ‘stress response’. It is when the brain perceives a threat it will, via a brain signal, release hormones to set up the ‘fight or flight’ response. Therefore in combination with life stressors such as relationships, work, worrying, to name a few, the ‘stress response’ will trigger a mind-body reaction. Ultimately this reaction will give a real sense of pain within the soft tissues of the body. The majority of people feel this in their neck, shoulder and mainly the back.

To decrease any pain within the soft tissues of your body, you can use your breathing. Choose to breath properly – deep and slow. Irregular breathing will activate the ‘stress response’. When you are faced with an up and coming stressful life event, choose to breath slowly from your abdomen. If you expand your rib cage it will signal that all is well to your parasympathetic nervous system. Writing about your emotions, and how you feel, can help you to relieve pain within the soft tissue of your body. Anything that may be subconsciously running in the back of your mind, find time to write it down. Do this in a book, on a daily basis. Keep the book by your bedside, as the end of the day is the perfect opportunity to ‘offload’ to increase the chances of a better night sleep.

The two ideas I have suggested will be sure to help relieve stress and to help you on your path to healing. Soft tissue can and will release as your ‘stress response’ is dulled down to minimum. So take the time, to HEAL YOURSELF. Above and beyond your own healing, a deep tissue massage can help to reset any adhesions you may have within your body on starting this healing process.

Please feel free to email me to book for a HEALING massage at

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